Peer-Reviewed Articles Dill, Janina, Carl Müller-Crepon, and Marnie Howlett. 2023. "At any cost: How Ukrainians think about self-defense against Russia." American Journal of Political Science. DOI:
Howlett, Marnie, and Valeria Lazerenko. 2023. "How and when should we (not) speak?: Ethical knowledge production about the Russia-Ukraine war." Journal of International Relations and Development. DOI:
Konken, Lauren, and Marnie Howlett. 2022. "When 'Home' Becomes the 'Field': Ethical Considerations in Digital and Remote Fieldwork." Perspectives on Politics. DOI:
Howlett, Marnie. 2022. "Nation-building from (below) the grassroots: Everyday nationalism in Ukraine's bomb shelters." Nations and Nationalism. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12877.
Howlett, Marnie. 2022. “Looking at the ‘Field’ Through a Zoom Lens: Methodological Reflections on Conducting Online Research During a Global Pandemic.” Qualitative Research 22(3): 387-402. DOI: 10.1177/1468794120985691.
Howlett, Marnie. 2022. “Playing Near the Edge: An Analysis of Ukrainian Border Youths’ Engagement with the Euromaidan.” Problems of Post-Communism 69(2): 206-217. DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2020.1845212.
Edited Volume Dall’ Agnola, Jasmin, Allyson Edwards, and Marnie Howlett (eds). 2022. Researching in the Former Soviet Union: Stories From the Field. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter Howlett, Marnie. 2022. “Balancing Diasporic Ties and Research: A Ukrainian-Canadian’s Reflections on Fieldwork in Ukraine.” In Researching in the Former Soviet Union: Stories From the Field, edited by Jasmin Dall’ Agnola, Allyson Edwards, and Marnie Howlett. London: Routledge.
Forthcoming Peer-Reviewed Publications Howlett, Marnie and Lauren Konken. Forthcoming. “Finding the ‘Field’ in our ‘Homes’ and our ‘Homes’ in the ‘Field.’” In ‘Yes, And: Graduate Students Conducting Qualitative Research During/After COVID Symposium.’ PS: Politics & Society.
Projects in Preparation Howlett, Marnie, Samuel Nicholson, Catherine Parry, Alfie Aldridge, and Sinead Lambe. 'Bunkering the Nation: Ukrainian (Sub)Nationalism Admist Russia's Aggression.' Paper under review.
Howlett, Marnie, Alfie Aldridge, Sinead Lambe, Sam Nicholson, and Cathy Parry. ‘Vertical Nation-Building in the Russia-Ukraine War.’ Paper in progress.
Howlett, Marnie. ‘Inside Looking Out and Outside Looking In: Re-Thinking Nationalism from Ukraine’s Cartographic Centre and Peripheries.’ Paper in progress.
Howlett, Marnie. ‘Seeing is Believing and Believing is Seeing: Visualising Space in Political Research.’ Paper in progress.
Howlett, Marnie. ‘Positioning and Being Positioned: What Can We Learn About Reflexivity From Quantum Physics?’ Paper in progress.